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Econika Medical Engineering

IV Ukrainian-Russian, III Asiatic-European Scientifically-practical conference with the international participation “OZONE IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE”

27 May 2008

From 8 to 10 of may 2008 year in AR Crimea (Ukraine) in town Mishor has taken place IV Ukrainian-Russian, III Asiatic European Scientifically-practical conference with international competiror “OZONE IN…

The Third scientifically-practical conference

30 January 2008

The Third scientifically-practical conference of the Asian-European union ozone therapists “Ozone in biology and medicine”. 8 – 10 of May information letter information letter 2 La Tercera conferencia internacional cientifico-practica…

5-th International symposium

14 June 2007

From 23 to 27 of april in city Habana on Cuba, has taken place 5-th International symposium on ozone application. Acted representatives of leading producers of equipment and devices for…


16 April 2007

From April 16 till April 21, 2007 the All-Ukrainian Association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipment for ozone therapy together with Odessa state medical university have run…


20 August 2006

On August 24 and 25, 2006 the Asiatic-European association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of equipment for ozone therapy holds I scientific-practical conference “Ozone in biology and medicine”. From 28…