IV Ukrainian-Russian, III Asiatic-European Scientifically-practical conference with the international participation “OZONE IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE”
From 8 to 10 of may 2008 year in AR Crimea (Ukraine) in town Mishor has taken place IV Ukrainian-Russian, III Asiatic European Scientifically-practical conference with international competiror “OZONE IN…
The Third scientifically-practical conference
The Third scientifically-practical conference of the Asian-European union ozone therapists “Ozone in biology and medicine”. 8 – 10 of May information letter information letter 2 La Tercera conferencia internacional cientifico-practica…
5-th International symposium
From 23 to 27 of april in city Habana on Cuba, has taken place 5-th International symposium on ozone application. Acted representatives of leading producers of equipment and devices for…
On August 24 and 25, 2006 the Asiatic-European association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of equipment for ozone therapy holds I scientific-practical conference “Ozone in biology and medicine”. From 28…