Application forms for ozone/oxygen mixtures in viral diseases such as hepatitis and herpes
Hartmut Oorstewitz |
HD |
ABSTRACT One of the most important indications in treatment with ozone /oxygen mixtures is that involving forms of viral hepatitis (A, B, nonA and nonB in their acute and chronic progression forms respectively) and herpes diseases. In view of the fact that no safe and effective antiviral treatment is known up till now, ozone and its peroxides here acquire a special importance as they are highly atoxic in effect and completely free of undesirable side-effects. Due to an inactivation process, they take an active part in the viral infection cycle and increase phagocytosis; in addition to this, a protective effect on healthy cells and an increased elimination of virally damaged cells is observed. Major autohemotherapy with ozone and rectal ozone/oxygen gas administration are its two most important application ‘forms: 1. In major autohemotherapy, 50 to 100 ml venous blood are extracted, enriched with ozone extracorporeally (at a dose of 1,000 цд per up to max. 10,000 g treatment session), and reintroduced via drip infusion. The concentration and application frequency depend on the viral infection involved and the course of its development. 2. Here, rectal insufflation has proved itself to be particularly effective; this method consists of applying 50 to 300 ml of an ozone/oxygen gas mixture at a concentration of 10 to 60 g/ml through a catheter. The most recent results of animal studies show that, in this application form, an oxygen effect is also produced in addition to the ozone component. The advantage of this application technique is its extreme manual simplicity, making it an economic form of treatment in addition to its absolute safety, this also applying for infants and children. Further application forms are also found in minor autohemotherapy and local ozone/oxygen gas baths, for example in their application as additional therapy forms for herpes diseases; generally, combinations of the various therapy forms given are both expedient and successful. INTRODUCTION MAJOR AUTOHEMOTHERAPY Due to the fact that no safe virucidal and virostatic substances are available up to the present time, the treatment of viral diseases presents a special problem. Nevertheless, previous observations argue in favor of the fact that we now possess a highly effective and, in addition, practically atoxic, risk-free and economic method of treatment where ozone/oxygen therapy is involved. Thus, in vitro tests applying 1.5 mg ozone per ml oxygen Kave shown that it is possible to eliminate polio viruses at a rate of more than 99.9 Р– within a matter of seconds. Following the ozonization of approx. 12000 stored blood units by WOLFF and WEHRLI, it was found that no single case of (virally transmitted) hepatitis was contracted as a result. The effects of ozone/oxygen mixtures in systemic viral infections are nowadays considered to be found in 4 partially synergiatic reaction processes: 1. The virus-inactivating property of ozone and its peroxidic products, 2. The activation of phygocytosis, 3. The cellular projective effect of healthy organ cells, and 4. Their cytotoxic effect on virally damaged cells bhus ensuring their rapid elimination. For this total effect to act as thoroughly as possible, the ozone must be applied under predetermined conditions which may, thanks to the equipment and application forms available at the present time, be taken as a matter of course. In the strict sense of the word, this is not a direct form of ozone therapy, as the ozone is merely added to extracorporal blood taken from the patient’s own body. In an instantly occurring biochemical reaction on the phoepholipid chains of the erythrocyte membranes (so-called erythrocytic mechanism ace. to ROKITANSKY), ozone-induced peroxides inherent to the membrane are formed which, in a way very similar to that of ozone itself, behave aa powerful oxidants, even if their actual effect is somewhat dampened due to the energy loss involved. It is assumed that peroxides, via an oxidative intervention on the cell receptors, exert an change on the virus so that it is inhibited, i.e. prevented from attaching itself to the membrane receptors of the host cell. The virus is thus inactivated and the infection cycle interrupted. In addition to this, the peroxides in the phagocytes activate endogenous cellular metabolism. Consequently, the cell’s own hydrogen peroxide, H 2 02, is formed, a substance1 which plays a major part in the destruction of foreign microorganisms such as viruses. The intracellular peroxide concentration increases due to the ‘ presence of the additional, ozone-induced peroxides, which results in a considerable improvement of the cell’s phagocytic performance on account of this synergistic effect. The cell-protecting effect of ozone and its peroxides is apparently also based on processes involving an activation of cellular metabolic activities, such as ROKITANSKY has very accurately described in the case of the erythrocytes. Furthermore, due to a possible damage of their membranes, virus-infected cells are less ozone-resistant than healthy ones; this could explain, for example, the frequently observed initial increase in liver enzymes. ‘ THE TECHNIQUE OF OZONE PREPARATION From a steel cylinder containing medical oxygen, a continuous flow of gas is conducted through a high-voltage generator which converts an accurately dosed amount into ozone; in this way, an ozone/oxygen mixture at the selected concentration is obtained from the pick-up nozzle for medical application. APPLICATION FORMS The following application forms in the treatment of viral diseases: 1. Ozone/oxygen autohemoth.erapy vie infusion, called major autohemotherapy (MajAHT) 2. So-called minor autohemotherapy (MinAHT) 3. Rectal ozone/oxygen gas insufflation 4. Gas application under plastic bag (PB) or suction cup (SC). MAJOR AUTOHEMOTHERAPY: APPLICATION TECHNIQUE A quantity of 50 – 100 ml venous blood is first transferred via a transfusion device to a plasma bottle, an anticoagulant then added to it (e.g.. sodium citrate or heparin), following which 3000 – 9000 |ig ozone/oxygen gas mixture are carefully added; finally, the. blood is reinfused without pressure via continuous drip. 50 ml venous blood are sufficient for a concentration of up to 4000 |ig. Approximately 100 ml aare necessary for higher concentrations. We recommend the following procedure in acute viral forms of hepatitis of the Рђ, Р’ and NANB types: 1st week, 1st day: ,”tolerance sample” of 1000 ug, which is increased from 3000 to 9000 \ig from the second day on. Treatment every 2nd day from the 2nd week on. Regular clinical and laboratory (chemical) monitoring checks are absolutely indispensible. The total quantity applied is to be reduced from 9000 цд to between 4000 and 6000 цд as soon as the patient’s clinical condition and the laboratory values improve. 30 to 40 treatment individual sessions may be necessary; these can be carried out in a number of series. Treatment is naturally to be discontinued when laboratory chemical and clinical findings become critically aggravated.In the case of infections of the Hepatitis Р’ and NANB type with a chronic progression, we apply treatment in the acute aggravation phase in the same way as the acute infection itself.In the intervals between acute aggravation phases, we apply 3000 to 6000 цд ozone in 2 – 3 treatments per week. According to the patient’s response, series of 10 – 15 sessions are then conducted 2 – 3 times per year.In agreement with to the present state of the art, the addition of a small quantity of ozone/oxygen mixture to blood stored for transfusions is able to prevent the transmission of hepatitis and especially HIV viruses. This method is a safe and extremely simple, economic and elegant way of preparing blood for transfusions.In acute cases of herpes zoster, we carry out treatment in the same way as with acute hepatitis.In this, case, 5 – 8 treatment sessions are sufficient as a rule. With very elderly (aged over 70) and/or debilitated patients, we generally apply lower concentrations (up to max. 6000 цд). Neuralgia following herpes zoster is no indication for ozone /oxygen treatment. However, the treatment of recurrent, herpes simplex infections is very successful. In most cases, acute phases can be caused to subside rapidly, and relapses prevented to a large extent or even completely. In cases of severe or aggravated conditions, major autohemotherapy is indicated at doses between 4000 and 9000 цд ozone. As a preventive measure, we recommend a series of 8 – 10 treatments of 2 – 3 sessions per week. Where the. condition shows a mild development, minor autohemotherapy is ideal as an alternative. MAJOR INDICATIONS These are:Recurrent herpes simplex Mild herpes zoster Acute viral influenza Susceptibility to infections Interval therapy in chronic hepatitis.RECTAL INSUFFLATION (RI) According to recent studies by KNOCH, the rectal insufflation of’ozone/oxygen mixtures acquires a special importance in the treatment of various forms of hepatitis. This author demonstrated that the partial oxygen pressure in the portal vein consequently increases within a very short period. This form of application can by all means be carried out as an alternative to major autohemotherapy. It is specially suitable in those cases where MajAHT cannot be used, thus for example in children. As a rule, we apply RI every day if possible, first over a period of 2 weeks, and then as indicated and with intervals of one or several days. The concentrations are within a range of 30 -60 цд ozone per ml ozone, the quantities being being 20 – 50 ml for neonates and infants, 50 – 100 ml for larger children and 100 – 300 ml total quantity for adults. la persistent cases, combinations of RI with MajAHT are admirably suitable, either during the same treatment session or at MajAHT/RI treatment ratios of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3. As it would be going beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the applications of ozone/oxygen gas under plastic bag (PB) or suction cup (SC) (listed above under No. 4), these forms will be described separately. As regards viral infections,’they are only applied far example as an adjuvant therapy for herpes simplex or h. zoster, insofar as the skin areas under consideration are accessible. MINOR AUTOHEMOTHERAPY: APPLICATION TECHNIQUE 10 ml ozone/oxygen gas at a concentration of 300 – 600 цд is introduced into a 20 ml rejectable plastic syringe, following which a vein is punctured and a small quantity of approx. 1 – 5 ml blood removed. By gentle shaking the blood is immediately ozonized and oxygenized and immediately reintroduced via intramuscular injection. Treatment is carried out 1 – 2 times per week with 5-10 sessions. F i g . 6 DIE INTRJLARTICULARE OZON-THERAPIE kleine Gelenke nittelgroQe Gelenke Osonaeqge 20-40 Gamna (Fingergelenke, Zehengelenke) 80 – Р›00 Gamma (Handgelenke, Ellbogengelenke, Bprunggelenke, Schultergelenke) |