Use of ozone in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of uterus and appendages
Peretiagina N.S., Kachalina T.S., Grechkanyov G.O.,Russian Association of Ozone Therapy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia( [email protected]
Abstract Acute inflammatory processes of female genital organs cause, in a great number of cases, serious problems in menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions and are marked by long and current relapses. They are accompanied by the following clinical features: increase of microflora resistance to antibiotics, appearance of medical intolerance, that essentially reduces the efficiency of standard methods of treatment. It results in high frequency (up to 76,6 %) of chronic non-specific inflammatory processes in internal genital organs.
There were 37 patients with uterus and appendages inflammatory diseases, under control, who along with traditional therapy were treated with 8 to 10 infusions of 0.9 % ozonized physiological solution with an ozone concentration of 3000 g/L.At the same time, in the control group 15 patients received only traditional antibacterial, sedative, desensibilizing therapy and vitamins. It was shown that, at the given category of patients, infusions of ozonized solution plus the traditional treatment, positively influenced the biochemical and cytological parameters of blood, albumin and lipid exchange, endogen intoxication and coagulation ability of bloodOn the background of local inflammatory process subsiding the patients had the increase of curtailing time and bleeding, decrease in activity of plasma procoagulants, protrombin index and fibrinogen. Some parameters of endogen intoxication were simultaneously reduced: the level of lipid peroxidation, malonic dialdehyde, the level of middle peptides, bilirubin, creatinin.Positive influence of ozone therapy on the albumin synthesis of liver function is revealed. Application of ozone in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of female genital organs allows to improve the treatment results, to diminished the frequency of complications and to reduce the time of treatment.