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Econika Medical Engineering


in march 2008.
The All-Ukrainian association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipment for ozone therapy together with Odessa state medical university have held the ninth course of thematic advanced training of doctors “Bases of ozone therapy “.
25 persons were trained from various cities of Ukraine, Mariupol, Lvov, Uzhgorod, Sevastopol, Ilyichevsk, Odessas, Kiev
The lectureres from Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Nikolaev participated in the courses.
Within the limits of the course the following questions were considered:
1. Biological mechanisms of ozone therapy efficacy: – ozone:making, chemical, biological properties;
– forms and methods of application;
– ozone therapy and processes of POL/AOS
– the control over safety of ozone therapy application;
2. Clinical aspects of ozone therapy:
Application of ozone therapy in therapy, surgery, neurology, oncology, resuscitation, cardiology, traumatology, cosmetology, etc.
3. Ozone therapy in a complex of sanatorium treatment


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