Nonconventional medicine
Bioresonance therapy by method of Raif-Bare
Resonant therapy by the method of Rife-Bare is successfully applied in many countries of the world for treatment of some diseases including multiple sclerosis, rhematoid arthritis, Hodgkins disease, pancreatitis, prostatitis, hepatites and many other diseases. Of special interest are numerous reports on successful treatment of cancer diseases. More in detail about this method: or Method of Rife-Bare is based on application of the modulated high-frequency radiation which source is special gas-discharge tube. The electronic equipment for excitation of the charge and its modulation is made in the USA, for example The enterprise “Econika” has contracts with a number of manufacturers in the USA on delivery of this equipment to territories of the CIS. All types of plasma tubes have successfully been tested for therapeutic suitability in laboratory Dr. Bare Additional information on delivery of lamps and devices for therapy by the method of Rife – Bare by ph. in Odessa +38(048) 717-98-72 or