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Ozone Forum of India

Econika Medical Engineering

April 03, 2011

SPE Ekonika took part in the seminar “Benefits of Ozone Therapy in Clinical Practice” held April 3 in Mumbai.

The forum was attended by over 250 doctors and specialists in the field of ozone therapy from India and Ukraine.

prof. Nazarov spoke on “Comparison of Russian and Western methods of ozone therapy with pharmacological point of view”, which was a comparative analysis of a Russian and Western School of ozone therapy.

Introduced a new device, the production of SPE “Ekonika”, “Bozon N” and also has already proven “Bozon N color” and “Bozon BAGTO”.

SPE Econika has taken part in an equipment exhibition at annual seminar Ozone Forum of IndiaSPE “Econika” has taken part in an equipment exhibition at annual seminar Ozone Forum of India.

prof. Nazarov lights a traditional lamp of the Consent and Friendship of a seminar presentation - to enterprise SPE prof. Nazarov lights a traditional lamp of the Consent and Friendship of a seminar.

To enterprise SPE To enterprise SPE “Econika” hand over a memorable sign for the contribution to seminar work.

prof. Nazarov, a group of the Indian doctors in Bombay Hospitalprof. Nazarov, a group of the Indian doctors in Bombay Hospital.