VIII Asiatic-European conference
10 – 12 september, 2019
Poland, Sztutowo, hotel “Baron”
The scientific-practical conference dedicated to the development and practical application of methods of
The therapy by medical gas: ozone and oxygen mixture, hydrogen, xenon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide
Ozone Forum of India.
IV scientifically-practical conference of the Asian-European union ozonetherapists “Ozone in biology and medicine”
Ministry of Health of Ukraine, The Asian-European Union of Ozone Therapists and Manufacturers of Medical Equipment, All-Ukrainian Association of Ozone Therapists and Manufacturers of the Equipment for Ozone Therapy, Nizhniy Novgorod State Medical academy, Functional branch of Academy, of Medicotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation “Hardware and Technologies of Ozone Therapy”.
From 6 to 8 of May 2010 is holding conference “Ozone in biology and medicine”.
Information letter
Invitation card and the program
III Asiatic-European conference “Ozone in biology and medicine”
8-10 May 2008
Information letter (eng)
I science-practical conference
August 24 – 25th, 2006, Boldino
I scientific-practical conference “Ozone in biology and medicine” was held in Boldino (Russia) organized by the Asian-European Union of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipment. The Ukrainian delegation participated in work of the conference consisting of 21 persons from 5 cities. The presented results of scientific researches in the field of ozone therapy and ozone therapeutic equipment, manufactures of SPE “Econika” caused a great interest in participants of the conference.
III Ukrainian-Russian conference
April, 28-30th, 2006, Sevastopol. The All-Ukrainian association ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipment for ozone therapy, Odessa state medical university, Odessa association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the equipment, SPE “Econika” of Odessa, the firm “Medozon” of Moscow, have held III Ukrainian-Russian scientific-practical conference with the international participation “Ozone in biology and medicine”. 152 participants took part in work of the conference from more than 30 cities of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Germany. More than 30 scientific reports were presented.
II Ukrainian-Russian conference
Ozone therapy is one of the rapidly developing areas of modern medicine. Ozone, and ozonides owing to their unique physiological activity, have many-sided therapeutic effect on an organism, including influence on transport and release of oxygen in the tissue, immunomodulating, hemostatic, virucidal and bacterucidal effect.
All this determines active studying and introduction of ozone therapy methods in a medical practice. To a great extent it is promoted by the developed practice of cooperation of scientists and experts in practical medicine of Russia and Ukraine.
The present conference is one more step to a deepening of fruitful scientific connections of ozone therapy enthusiasts of our countries, one more step to strengthening traditional ties of friendship and mutual aid between our people.
The materials of the conference present experimental and clinical materials, as well as the newest development in the field of technical provision of carrying out of ozone therapy procedures which allow to make a significant step forward in the field of medical use of ozone.
III Ukrainian-Russian conference
April, 28-30th, 2006, Sevastopol. The All-Ukrainian association ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipment for ozone therapy, Odessa state medical university, Odessa association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the equipment, SPE “Econika” of Odessa, the firm “Medozon” of Moscow, have held III Ukrainian-Russian scientific-practical conference with the international participation “Ozone in biology and medicine”. 152 participants took part in work of the conference from more than 30 cities of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Germany. More than 30 scientific reports were presented.
I Ukrainian-Russian conference
Ozone therapy is one of the rapidly developing areas of modern medicine. Ozone, and ozonides owing to their unique physiological activity, have many-sided therapeutic effect on an organism, including influence on transport and release of oxygen in the tissue, immunomodulating, hemostatic, virucidal and bacterucidal effect.
All this determines active studying and introduction of ozone therapy methods in a medical practice. To a great extent it is promoted by the developed practice of cooperation of scientists and experts in practical medicine of Russia and Ukraine.
The present conference is one more step to a deepening of fruitful scientific connections of ozone therapy enthusiasts of our countries, one more step to strengthening traditional ties of friendship and mutual aid between our people.
The materials of the conference present experimental and clinical materials, as well as the newest development in the field of technical provision of carrying out of ozone therapy procedures which allow to make a significant step forward in the field of medical use of ozone.