Arteriovenous Difference in Blood Oxygen Saturation as a Diagnostic Index of Ozone Effect on the Organism
Scientific-industrial venture Econika, Odessa, Ukraine
Keywords: ozonetherapy, arteriovenous difference, blood oxygen.
A bad distribution of methods of objective evaluation of physiological effect of ozone on the organism is one of the significant problems of ozone therapy. The given paper presents the preliminary data of using the method of express-measuring of venous blood saturation with oxygen as an index of completeness degree of the ozone therapy course.
We have made a conclusion being based on the literature review analysis that the most characteristic effect of ozone on the organism is its influence on the oxygen metabolism (OM). There have been described three main mechanisms of ozone influence on OM: 1) decreased hemoglobin affinity with oxygen (Rokitansky O., 1982); 2) decreased microviscosity of the erythrocyte membrane; 3) vasodilatation by NO-syntase activation (Gustov A., Kotov S., 1992). It is evident that these factors should firstly influence on oxygen transport in the distal parts of the arterioles, gas exchange in the tissues and cellular respiration. There is a convenient integral index of tissue oxygen intake ??? venous blood saturation with oxygen (VBS). In contrast to arterial blood saturation (AVS), VBS is extremely sensitive to parameters of the erythrocyte membrane, constant of hemoglobin affinity with oxygen, oxygen exchange intensity in tissues and micropearmiability of the arterioles.
To measure VBS level we have constructed a device that measures the level of oxyhemoglobin (HbO) and hemoglobin (Hb) in the venous blood. VBS is calculated by the formula OH/(OH+H). The work of the device is based on the principle of two-ray spectroscopy. The device is a part of the apparatus ???BOZON-AHTMO(produced by SIV Econika) for automatization of the autohemotherapy major (AHTM) process. This device takes a patients blood automatically, ozonizes it and returns the ozonized blood to the patient. The duration of the autohemotherapy major procedure is 10-15 min. The device display shows concentration values of Hb, HbO and VBS as well as partial oxygen pressure in the venous blood (POPV). POPV is calculated by the Hills equation for pH=7.4. The paper presents data in the units of POPV for pictorial presentation. The partial oxygen pressure in the arterial blood? POPA was evaluated according to the indications of the device NONIN-9500The Figure 1 presents typical examples of POPV registration of patients??? blood during the course of AHTM. The arterial blood saturation with oxygen was within 95-98% in all patients and wasnt practically changed during the ozone therapy. According to the Hills equation this value corresponds to POPA 97 mm Hg. On the contrary, the value of VBS and POPV undergoes considerable changes. As an example we present the POPV dynamics in practically healthy elderly man (Fig.1). It shows moderate age changes of POPV. Three sessions of autohemotherapy (100 ml of blood, the ozone dose is 4 mg) practically returned POPV to the norm. The arteriovenous difference of oxygen pressure (AVOP=POPA-POPV) increased from 39 to 52 mm Hg, i.e. by 33%. At the level of self-evaluation the patient notes sharp improvement of tolerance to physical exertions and life quality. The second patient with a diagnosis of hereditary peroneal amyotrophy of Charcot-Marie noted episodic refusals in setting leg muscles in motion before treatment that were accompanied by falling down, pain and paresthesia in the legs as well as distal hyposthesias.
It is seen in the Figure that the disease is characterized by sharp reduction of OM. Before treatment AVOP was 26 mm Hg. The figure shows that the course of autohemotherapy major consisting of 5 procedures caused normalization of POPV. The number of the ozone therapy procedures was determined like in the first case from the dynamics of POPV normalization. On the whole AVOP increased to 50 mm Hg (i.e. by 92%) after the course of the ozone therapy. Normalization of POPV was accompanied by reduction and disappearance of pain in the legs and gait improvement. Episodes of ataxia were not repeated during the course of the ozone therapy. The analysis made by the end of a month???s interval since starting treatment showed some increase of VBS. In future it is intended to manage the patient by the course of peroral intake of the ozonized distillate with two month???s interval between the courses. Each course consists of 5 intakes of 200 ml of the ozonized distillate with a concentration of 15 mg/l. Such application proved to be correct while using it in one of the patients relative suffering from the same hereditary disease. The follow-up period was 2 years. The patients condition was satisfactory during this period.
On the whole we consider that the application of the devised measuring device for VBS may improve considerably the planning of the ozone therapy course and optimize the course as to the periodicity and number of the ozone therapeutic procedures.