Application of ozone therapy in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with mitral heart disease of the rheumatic origin
Tikhonchuk N.S.
Thesis for a candidate scientific degree by speciality 14.01.33 -Kurortology and physiotherapy. -Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Medical Rehabilitation and Kurortology, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odessa, 2007.
The dissertation is devoted to development of new approach in treatment of patients with mitral heart disease against a background of chronic rheumatic heart disease, which based on the complex application of medicines, ozonetherapy and low-frequency magnetic field. The complex treatment possessed the antiinflammatory effect, caused positive influence on structural and geometric heart indicators, rendering the cardiac reparation processes, increased the distance of the 6-minute walk test in average on 17,7%. The adoption of suggested treatment ranges corrected the lipoperoxidative processes increasing the antioxidative activity of the plasma and erythrocytes, asisted dinimishing events of repeated hospitalizations, decreased the medicinal loading and events of undesirable reactions. The most steadfast effect was achieved in the way of using of the integrated application of ozone therapy and low-frequency magnetic field against a background of medicinal treatment.
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