The Asiatic-European union of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipments a public organization, will take aim which is a spreading the knowledges on possibilities an ozone therapy and support of new methods of treatment by means of ozone. Union is created at 2007 years for the association of efforts of physicians ozone therapists, specialists in the field of biophysicists, biochemistries and producers of equipment.
Professor Bojarinov G. A. Honourable President of the Asian-European Union of ozone therapists and manufacturers of medical equipment. | |
Professor Nazarov E. I. Executive President of the Asian-European Union of ozone therapists and manufacturers of medical equipment. |
The Asian-European union of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the medical equipments invites manufacturers of the medical equipment to cooperation in the field of development and use of technologies ozone therapy. On our site we shall try to present the high-grade information on the newest scientific and practical achievements to scopes of ozone and development of the equipment for ozone therapy. Also we hope. What is the materials will interest doctors and will promote wider introduction of methods ozone therapy in practical public health services.