A comparativestudy of bactericidal activity of ozonized soluyions During treatment of inflammatory diseases of paradontium
S. Sorokina, M. Zaslavskaja.The Medical Academy of Nizhni Novgorod, RussiaThe problem of paradontium inflammatory diseases treatment is one of the most urgent problems in stomatology. In spite of an abundance of existing remedies and methods of treatment this problem is far from solution. It was noted periodontal pocket microflora accustomization to antibacterial preparations and allergic reactions and side effects to them. The importance of searching new remedies becomes evident. The use of ozonized solutions for complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of paradontium is of great interest. For microbiological experiment a single irrigation of pathological periodontal pockets with ozonized solutions (water, olive oil) was performed. The pocket contents before and after irrigation were inoculated on a blood agar. Microscopic specimens were prepared simultaneously. In 18-20 hours the grown colonies were counted. After comparison of the obtained results a substantial antibacterial activity of ozonized solutions was revealed. Number of colonies before irrigation was 48.65.1 and after irrigation it was 6.2 0.3. the specimens show a significant decrease and qualitative changes of pathological pockets contents.??